Thursday, April 2, 2009

the state of the canadian health care system

they found the thing in my head by accident, an aneurysm. so i waited, and all along the way they keep losing my paperwork. im stubborn so i kept calling the labs, my neurologist and the neurosurgeons office and that was the only reason i finally got to see a neurosurgeon.

im so tired and im sick of the medical system that doesnt care. my neurologist is an angel, i adore her. but the guy in the lab who stuck my red flagged cta requisition into a stack of insignifigant papers shouldnt be earning 50 bucks an hour, he should be fired and replaced with someone who cares.

people wait in line here for cancer treatment here and die. it took me over a year to even get in to see a neurologist and when she found the aneurysm it took 5 months for me to get an appointment with my neurosurgeon. i kept calling early in the morning and got his secretary one day just before the office opened, lucked out there.

i was told they lost my booking for my mri and id have to wait for hours, behind people like a guy who had wrist pain so he was getting an mri done on it. gawd, wtf is wrong here? i complained a little loudly about it being their fault, for losing my booking, that suddenly i was taken in right away. anyone can see thats insane.

they found my aneurysm in april and i didnt have surgery til the end of the next february

and honestly im okay, im strong emotionally, but what about those people who arent? the ones who wait for the call that doesnt come because the system is such a mess they got lost, and in their naivety they dont know, in their fear they trust and hope. and die waiting

canada, considered one of the best places on the planet to live, and i love my country, but we treat the ill like numbers and the system keeps cutting back funding. people are dying waiting in line.

we're not talking small shit, we're talking about people dying because no one cares enough to fix it, or even the little person in the office or lab responsible for following through who just doesnt care about anything but 'whens lunch' and 'i want a raise'

its sure not what tommy douglas meant to happen when he brought universal health care to our country, its rather what a government who wants nothing more than to appear to be gracious and kind to the rest of the world without spending money or actually giving a damn does.
yeah, canada, the shining example. bull. thats all our government cares about, how they appear. not what they do. and most certainly not its citizens.

and people keep dying and no one says a word. they dont know that theyre next

i posted this on a blog the day a teens club in israel was bombed

140 dead, their blood dripping from your spear not for food, but for sheer love of slaughter
where do the corpses lie to rot in the sun?
did your boots fill orgasmically with blood?
did you scream with joy at each conquest of ones so innocent?
today you killed 140 today you lost a friend

one of my friend was cheering the deaths, celebrating

i never spoke to him again

Sunday, March 15, 2009

the lost generations of australia

i just watched the most incredible movie. rabbit-proof fence. its about the lost generations of the indigenous peoples of australia. i would recommend it to anyone interested in this area. i am.

i watched an amazing movie called 'river queen' a couple of months ago, and then i watched 'australia' a couple of weeks ago. both are about children who were known as half-caste, the children of native australians and whites.

ive long been interested in the history of australia. ned kelly is a true story, and heath ledger played him perfectly. hes a hero there, he and his family, and those who followed in his footsteps changed their country

a couple of years ago australia apologized to the aboriginal peoples, but only one minister had apologized for the lost generations.

people are always worried that if they apologize people will want reparations. i dont believe in reparations

the people who did this are long since gone.

my ancestors, many died when the united states and france invaded canada. should i sue for their deaths? no. i should forgive. and i do

but if no one apologizes how can they forgive?

supposedly it cost the new zealand government a fortune when they apologized to the maori. the people wanted money for what was not done to them, but to their ancestors. thats just ridiculous.

so now australia is afraid to apologize. and maybe i dont blame them.

the world has become far too greedy.

people want everything that they can get. i dont, i just want to love others and to protect them. i have nothing financially, but im fine with that, because i have love in my heart :)